(C) Erez Kalman | www.kalman.co.il
Non commercial, manual personal use: Free for non commercial use, subject to the terms below.
Non commercial/open source and other terms: NO LIABILITY, OFFERED AS IS. Any reuse of the UI/code/style/algorithm/content/idea /embedding/documenting including direct/indirect and derivatives (herein: reuse) requires public, free, unrestricted access to the reuse in the open-source as well as a full detailed reference to this tool name, URL location and the full terms herein including the copyright. The reference information will be present in all locations where applicable per the terms above, in third party sources document/page/data/documentation as well as in all copyright notices/document/page/data/documentation. All use / reuse must be licensed to the public domain as open-source, reuse includes direct/indirect use or reuse. All components of the software must be licensed and adhere to the terms and provided freely and openly as open-source under the terms herein or further relaxed license terms, in relation to these terms (excluding this UI/code/style/algorithm/content/idea/URL).
Any direct / indirect use or reuse not fully abiding to the terms must be approved or licensed by Erez Kalman and is not otherwise permitted.
Commercial: Any and all commercial use, non-commercial/open-source use not abiding to the terms listed for set use/reuse or other undefined use/reuse of: UI/code/style/algorithm/content/idea /embedding/documentation including direct/indirect and derivatives (herein: reuse) requires approval or license from Erez Kalman. Approved or license used, unless otherwise approved by Erez Kalman, requires full detailed reference to this tool name, URL location and the full terms herein including the copyright and include a statement "Licensed for commercial use."